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Exploring Guinea Bissau

Lockdown has taken a massive hit on my productivity. While I usually write updates to Site Visits at a cafe or library, I have been stuck at home for nearly a month. However, I have discovered one pleasant thing. I can still be productive with videos! So, for today’s post, I want to share a new YouTube channel extension for Site Visits.

I believe satellite imagery is one of the most unbelievable achievements by humanity. With this video series, I want to make use of this remarkable achievement. I like that making this video was fun for me. It’s a tightly edited video, and it gets at how much can be learned just by looking at the landscapes.

I want to thank Katherine and Hank Green for being the inspiration behind making this video. Hank and Katherine, I hope you enjoy that I took your ideas and made it into something else. Maybe this way, Hank can have one less idea sucking up his brain’s energy (throwback to 2009/ZeFrank).

Enjoy the video, smash that like button, and subscribe if you want to see more.

Thank you so much for reading my post. Check me out on social media with the links below, and please press the like button and comment

A Morning in Hoi An

A Morning in Hoi An

A Visit to Menara Kuala Lumpur

A Visit to Menara Kuala Lumpur