All tagged Bay Area

The Sentinel Building at 916 Kearny Street

I'd hazard to guess that the drive south along the unfortunately named Columbus Avenue is among the most dangerous in all of San Francisco. The reason why is simple. It is incredibly hard to resist not taking out the phone to capture the iconic Transamerica Pyramid views. However, the most popular image is from the intersection of Pacific and Kearny as viewers can contrast some modern buildings and the great pyramid with the Sentinel Building, a copper-clad building from nearly sixty years after American colonizers invaded and took control of the land.

Visiting Collinsville, California

Any visitors will find that the small enclave of Collinsville, California, is not much remarkable beyond the beautiful landscapes and waterside view. The town is an unincorporated community in Solano County, at the mouth of the Sacramento River. Visiting there felt intrusive. I drove past one or two “do not pass” signs, so I would not recommend you to visit. There is not much to see, anyway. The town endured significant damage from a wildfire on July 4th, 2014.

The NEOWISE Comet from The California Suburbs and Countryside

For the month of July, our planet was visited by a remarkable comet. Its brilliance was too dim for my naked eye, either because of light pollution or because I was witnessing it as it was dimming. Still, with the camera, it pops! There is something special for me about getting to see such an uncommon event from the hometown why my astronomical interest began. This is what guided me to taking the photograph above from that exact vantage point. While the best skies I’ve ever seen were in Australia and the Sierra Nevada mountain range, I’m excited to share these photographs.